(Disclaimer: For those of you who don't know what a relaxer is (perm to black folks) because you have never been around black people in your life, Please visit here.)

The former life of That Darn Jasmine! for those of you interested.
(Disclaimer: For those of you who don't know what a relaxer is (perm to black folks) because you have never been around black people in your life, Please visit here.)
That's the subtitle of my friend Cara's danish. It made me start thinking about myself... About why I am the way I am. I think I will try to make a list now. Try to follow, I tend to ramble.
I'm WUI (writing under the influence) again. Well, I don't know if I'm really WUI because I didn't do anything to feel inebriated but my mom made apple cobbler and put a lot of rum in it so now I feel kind of buzzed. Anyway... I'm listening to this song by Kimya Dawson called "Loose Lips" (on repeat because that's what I do) and it makes me smile. I won't drag on about it but I will say that the song (to me) is about hope and I think a little hope is something we could all use every now and then... Some of us more often than others (I'm included in the latter).
So I'd like to say this to anyone who reads this unless you are my brother (the full-blooded one that's still living), Jessica Cooper, a child molester, a rapist, a woman beater, or any other kind of disgusting person:
So if you wanna burn yourself, remember that I Love You
And if you wanna cut yourself, remember that I Love You
And if you wanna kill yourself, remember that I Love You
Call me up before you're dead, we can make some plans instead
Send me an IM, I'll be your friend
-Kimya Dawson "Loose Lips"
"I don't care how many times it has been done; I am putting my own two cents on the album that carried me from pre-teen to teen to young woman to beginning almost-real adulthood. Everybody can have their opinions but (to me) The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill is the 1990's hip-hop/r&b answer to Songs In The Key Of Life. For the soul purists this may be a big claim but I'm just saying what this album has meant to me. My auntie Lucy bought this CD for my 12th birthday in 1998 and nearly 10 years later I'm catching lines I missed."
That's what I wrote last night/this morning when I thought to myself that I was going to write about this album that serves as my life soundtrack. Then, like usual, I got distracted and went off elsewhere but today I decided to come back to what I had intended to say. What I intended to say is that maybe I take things differently than other people... Maybe I put to much into music... Maybe it has too big of a presence in my life. If that is true SO BE IT! I am a music lover and though I am (admittedly) not the most fickle of music lovers it is rare that I can listen to an entire album on repeat without skipping and never get bored. This album... *DEEP SIGH* This album is about LOVE in every form.
"People need to understand that the Lauryn Hill they were exposed to in the beginning was all that was allowed in that arena at that time. There was much more strength, spirit and passion, desire, curiosity, ambition and opinion that was not allowed in a small space designed for consumer mass appeal and dictated by very limited standards. I had to step away when I realized that for the sake of the machine, I was being way too compromised. I felt uncomfortable about having to smile in someone’s face when I really didn’t like them or even know them well enough to like them."So I guess she is never "coming back." That is her right. It will not stop me from enjoying this masterpiece. But I just need someone to tell VIBE MAGAZINE that Amy Winehouse will NEVER be Lauryn Hill, not that I take much credit in Vibe Magazine anyway. "Forgive them father, they know not what they do..."
-Lauryn Hill
I asked my friend Les what another word for "Introductory" was... "Beginnory" is what he gave me. So this is the beginnory of my... my... Blog. I don't like that word though so from here on out when you (the collective you) see me saying "Danish" I am referring to my blog. What does one say in a beginnory? Do I say why I chose to start a danish? The answer to that would be peer pressure and of course boredom. Do I say what one can expect to find in my danish? Umm... One should expect everything.
That is my friend, Lortab.
This is my other friend, Dye-Free Benadryl.
I present them just to say, though I am admittedly spacey I'm not always as spacey as I may appear right now. Not sure if I do. But I have taken some Lortabs for menstrual cramps and two Benadryl for my allergies. I'm like... Trying to keep my eyes open so is felt like time for a danish. I'm avoiding two very important tasks right now... Fixing my ID3 tags and making an mp3 for Les out of some Youtube video. But I've to run out of songs by The Cool Kids to listen to so I think I'm officially done with this danish. The next one should better. I like to be optimistic.
Now playing: The Cool Kids - Black Mags
via FoxyTunes