I got a message from someone today on Facebook (and they know who they are) that reminded me why I like to share what I write. Even though I don't update this the way I should, I'm always writing something. It's just... Sometimes I get so sad and upset and down and angry and crazy that I just go inside myself and hide.
I started this danish because I don't want to hide inside myself anymore. I don't want to be a prisoner of my mind. I want to be open. I want to be free. And if I can entertain, educate, cure my boredom, become a better writer in the process... All the better. I guess it's like self-help. LoL.
I'm probably going to revamp this danish again. I'll probably write with more clarity, more honesty, and be more raw. I will do it for me, for you, for us. Even if only one person reads, that'll be awesome. So... Soon enough, I'll make a comeback. Right now though, I'm off to read FunkyBlackChick and Black Girl On Campus and things. :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I was going to update my blog on some other topic and I may still do that later but I had to share with you part of the reasoning I often miss writing in my own blog...
The reason is, I am too busy over at the The Black Snob salivating over her words and rejoicing in the fact that she's like me, only older, smarter, and wiser. I love to write, sort of... But I don't like to try at it. I almost want to reject being good at it. When I read her posts, I am reminded of when I would be assigned a topic in some class that I really wanted to talk about and I would show out. I would be the example that the professor uses for the other students when he/she eventually tells them all that they need to re-write their papers. This is what yours should have looked like. The thing is, The Black Snob is always a step above the rest. I read a lot of blogs but I am fickle and I get tired of themes and concepts very easily but never with her. I think I have a crush on her blog. I am permanently on the lookout for what she has to say about everything. I concede on topics I know I will never be able to touch on like her.
I guess I should say what prompted me to write this... She has written a piece on the perceived elitism (or uppity negroism) or Obama that is a must read. I'm sure most people who read my danish at least know of The Black Snob but for those of you who don't or those of you who have clicked and only skimmed, I am letting you know what you are missing. The Black Snob, or Ms. Danielle Belton, is exactly what the world doesn't want you to know that people like me can be. Black women can express their opinions without being angry, we can admit our flaws, we can be superficial, funny, insightful, creative, and more. You cannot pigeonhole us forever. We come in variety packs.
Anyway, please click any of the links and enjoy. She also does a lot of her own art for the blog too. Talent.
Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Bernie Mac, NOW ISAAC HAYES.

I can't take this. I'm gonna go listen to the Black Moses album on a record player and watch The Original Kings Of Comedy (minus the D.L. Hughley parts).
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Improper Stannin
y stannin game was not proper earlier this week. I knew the remix video to "Everyone Nose" by N*E*R*D featuring CRS & Pusha T had premiered but I didn't bother to blog about it. What is really going on? Me pass up an opportunity to stan for Lupe and talk about some black menz I want do drop it off in my drawers... Seems nuts. Anyway, here's the video. Watch it. Look for my commentary underneath.
- I guess nobody told Kanye that the "any black inside you" line would be corny as all hale.
- I love you Lupe, but that "high" shit got extra annoying.
- Pharrell killed it, with his wormy looking ass.
- Pusha T, killed it.
- Lupe looked EXTRA scrumptous in it.
Subject: apology....... :0( [Straight from the MySpace Presses!!!]
Anywho, I met this guy who seemed nice, we were getting along until... He decided to tell me that the reason he liked me is because he like black girls who act white. He touched a nerve with that one. I was livid. Any chance of romance was dead. I continued to talk to him anyway because his fawning over me was both comical and flattering... This was, until, I read his MySpace blogs that declared that he will not date or marry a black girl. Only a thick, caucasian and or "foreign type" female. I confronted him on the issue, hit him with my realness and he didn't like it too much. I posted our conversation on here and linked his MySpace... LoL. Anyway, he has written me back to apologize for disrespecting me and women in general. Well... He probably just wants to fuck me. Here's what he wrote to me; I didn't respond but if someone has a good suggestion to what I should say to him, that'd be amazing.
Just wanted to say sry 4 actin like an asshole last time we talked. I just
wanted to know if I could still be ur friend? I dont know when you will get this but I am going back to school in a few weeks. Mayb I will run into u at a club or movies. *wink wink* ttys..

*Sorry for runons, I'm falling asleep as I type.